
Saturday, June 21, 2008


Yesterday I was doing a lot of driving around - going to garage sales, running errands, getting my haircut - just normal Saturday routine. But it seemed like everywhere I went I would see this beautiful dog. She was a golden colored, probably was part golden retriever, and fairly big. The first time I saw her yesterday was when I was passing by the Rail Trail. I thought she just was walking ahead of her master and didn't think much about it. Then about an hour later I saw her again - all alone - walking down a very curvy, dangerous street. I was so frightened for her. She looked like she was trying to find something to eat. She was grabbing at things on the ground. I pulled over and called my daughter and told her to look up somewhere we could take her if I could get her to come to me. I could tell she did not have on a collar so there was no way I could call her owner. I got out of the car and got a closer look at her. It was obvious she had had puppies recently. I tried to go up to her but she ran off. She would not let me anywhere near her. She ran around the corner and I heard a car blare its horn. I just wanted to cry. I just knew that she had been hit. But when I drove around the corner, she was nowhere to be found. I drove home in tears, I was so worried about her.

About 30 minutes later, my daughter and I were getting back into my car at my house to go get something to eat. My daughter was backing out and all of the sudden stopped and shouted "Mom, is that the dog you were trying to help?" I looked out my window and saw her!! I couldn't believe she had made it to my house, which was probably about 3 miles from where I last saw her. I jumped out and we once again tried to get her to come to us and, once again, she took off running with her tail between her legs. I couldn't believe it! All I was doing was trying to keep this dog safe!!

We got back into the car and started to pull out of our complex. All of the sudden we heard brakes squeal and looked up and there she was again! Just slowly walking across the street, right in front of a car! Although she was terrified of people, this dog seemed to have no fear of cars!

Once again, we took off after the dog. We saw her on the street next to ours and got out of the car and tried to get her to come to us again! Bet you can guess what happened!! She ran off again and once again towards a busy street!! There was nothing we could do and we drove off in tears. I was so worried about her and worried about her puppies that were probably missing their mommy, but I just didn't know what else to do. It was a horrible feeling.

Later on last night I started thinking about the situation again and I realized that this dog's behavior is similar to our own behavior sometimes. When God tries to lead us in the right direction, we run off and try to do things all on our own. We think we don't need Him, that we can take care of ourselves. And sometimes we are so afraid of how much we do need Him that we just don't want to admit it and we run and hide! But when we choose to ignore God or to run away from Him, all we are doing is running into traffic ourselves! We need Him to protect us from the "traffic" that we run into! We need His protection and His love and His grace!

Thank you, Lord, for being our protector! Thank you for watching out over us. Help us not to run from you, Lord, but to run TO you!

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Falling in love is such a wonderful feeling! And watching your child fall in love and start planning their future is even better! The sparkle in their eyes, the joy in their heart - it is all so wonderful to watch!

As much as I am enjoying this phase of my daughter's life, I look back on all of her young life and how I have cautioned her to be very careful who she dated because she never knew who she might actually fall in love with and she should make sure that if she did fall in love with someone, he would be the right one - in her eyes and in God's eyes. I do believe she has found the right one and while they may not do everything that this mother thinks they should, what child does? I think they are perfect together. She always worried that she would never find someone but I always told her that once she found the "right" one, she would just know.

Isn't that how is is with our relationship with Jesus? Once we look into his wonderful face, how can we not be captivated by his beauty? When we compare him to others, there is no comparison! Once we have seen Jesus for who he is, all the other things of this world pale in comparison. Money, fame, power - they may all be nice things to have but nothing compares to the love of Jesus and the relationship we may have with him!

Don't fall in love with the first thing that catches your attention. Get to know Jesus and develop a deep relationship with him. When you do, all other earthly things will pale in comparison!

Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Philippians 2:2


Sunday, June 15, 2008


Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers out there. This is kind of a sad day for me. My dad passed away two years ago and I still miss him terribly. But when I think about it, I always have him with me. I have a lot of my dad's traits which is really interesting because he was not my biological father. But he was my Dad. And he influenced my life more than he will ever know. I have tried so hard to be the kind of daughter that he would be proud of.

One of the biggest ways my Dad influenced my life was in the way he showed his faith and, more importantly, lived his faith. He was a true Christian man and one that I was proud to call my Dad.

But even though my earthly father is no longer here, I know that my heavenly Father is always with me. He walks beside me every day, through good times and bad. And when I feel like I can't walk anymore, He carries me. He never leaves me. I can celebrate everyday because I have a Father in heaven!!

Thank you, Lord, for the dad You gave me. Thank you, Lord, for being my heavenly Father. I am so grateful that because of your love that one day I will be with You and my dad and mom again!

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 5:16

Friday, June 13, 2008


Have you heard the story of the young college student who wrote her parents a letter telling them of her new boyfriend? She told them that he had dropped out of college in his junior year to marry his girlfriend but they had divorced about a year ago. She told them that they had been dating for several months and that she had dropped out of college so she could marry him.

On the next page of the letter, the young student told her parents that everything she had told them on the first page of the letter was false. She had, however, failed one of her classes in school!

It was obvious in this letter that this young girl was trying to make her parents keep the fact that she had failed a class in perspective. We should all do that in life. We complain and feel sorry for ourselves and the problems we have. In reality, there are others who would change places with us anytime!! That is not to say that we don't have problems and that there aren't times that we struggle with things in life. But we should keep things in perspective and thank God for the blessings that He has given us!

Thank you, Lord, for the blessings You have given us. Help us to remember our blessings and to keep our problems in perspective. Help us to remember that our struggles can help us grow stronger if we keep our faith and trust in You.

Many, O Lord My God, are the wonders You have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare. Psalm 40:5

Thursday, June 12, 2008


We have all heard the saying that "One man's trash is another man's treasure". I am finding this more and more to be true as I am starting a new business - an online flea market. I have gone around to different garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores to find items to put on my new website. It is amazing the items that you can find - some are fantastic! I don't think some people realize what they have! And others make you wonder "What were they thinking when they bought that? That is junk!" But I have actually purchased some of this junk and turned it into something wonderful for my home or to sell. You just never know what you could do when you turn your mind to it.

Sometimes we feel like we are junk in God's eyes. We make mistakes. We sin. How could God possibly love us and our junk? But everyday, He takes rebellious sinners and transforms them by His power into something beautiful and valuable!!

Before you give up on yourself or someone else, before you get too discouraged about how your life has turned out, always remember that you have the potential in the hands of God to be turned into something wonderful and valuable!!

He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Proverbs 21:21

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I am so frustrated and angry. I live in a condominium complex and we have a communal laundry room. Everyone has their own washer and dryer but they are all in one room. I have lived here for over two years, have grown to love it, and love the neighbors that I know.

Well, I went to do my laundry this morning and someone had stolen the empty laundry basket that was on my washer, all of my fabric softener and fabric softener sheets, and one bottle of detergent. They were kind enough to leave one bottle of detergent. I was so angry. I know it doesn't seem like much but I save every penny I can and laundry supplies are not cheap. But more importantly, it was a horrible feeling to know that someone stole from me.

Of course, I got all in a dither and decided that I was moving! It didn't matter that my home is perfect for me - the right size, the right location, the right price, and, for the most part, great neighbors. I didn't care - I was moving!!

I went outside to sit on my porch and read the paper (the real estate ads!). I have worked hard to make my patio look nice - put lots of plants out, got new chairs, and hung my bird feeder. I love to watch the birds come up to the bird feeder. They will actually come up to it and eat even while I am sitting right there on the porch. It makes me happy to watch them and always puts a smile on my face!

Well, while I was out there steaming about my laundry supplies and looking through the ads, I looked up and there were several birds on the feeder and several more actually walking around my porch. I put the ads down and watched the birds. I began thinking about how grateful I am for my home, how much I truly like it, how perfect it is for me, and how easy it would be to just put my laundry supplies away where no one can get them. My problem would be solved and I am still happy in my home.

God has so truly blessed me with my home and everything in my life. I am so grateful that He opened my eyes on this situation - instead of continuing to be angry and frustrated, He gave me a solution and a peace about the situation. Although I have to admit, I am still a little angry, I feel sorry for whoever stole my things. I would gladly have let them borrow some if they needed it instead of them stealing it. But I am more grateful for the wonderful neighbors that I do have, the ones who have been true friends and have helped me in so many ways. God led me to this home and I believe He wants me to stay here.

Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have given me. Thank you for the peace You give me even in bad situations. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me and help me to be a good example to them in these situations.

"This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart." Matthew 18:35

Friday, June 6, 2008


We live in such a hectic world today. Family, work, social activities, church, home -so much to do and it seems like so little time. Sometimes it is hard to decide what we should do and what we should let slide. In other words, it is hard to determine what should be the priorities in our lives.

Obviously, we have to work. We need money to pay our bills, to put food on our tables, to put a roof over our heads.

We need to take care of our families. We need to get our children to school and to their activities. We need time to spend with our spouse or significant others.

We need to have time to spend with our friends. Friends are so important in our lives and it can be so easy to let friendships go by the wayside when we get so busy.

And does there ever seem to be an end to the chores - washing, vacuuming, ironing, cooking, gardening, and the list goes on and on!!

So much to do in life and so little time. Oh, wait, I forgot to mention God!! I really didn't forget - it just seems like sometimes we put Him last on our priority list. We get so busy that we just don't take the time to spend with God - we don't read our Bibles, don't go to church, don't pray. Seems like we get so tired and busy that it is just easier just to let our relationship with God be put to the bottom of our priority list.

In reality, God and our relationship with Him should be NUMBER ONE on our priority list. Absolutely nothing should come before God - not our spouse, our children, our work, NOTHING!! And even though it may be hard at times, when we do make God number one in our lives, we are truly blessed!! Our schedules and lives may still be hectic, we may still be stressed, but we are truly blessed!!

Lord, forgive us for not making you the most important part of our lives. Forgive us for placing others before You. Thank you for always being there for us and for never putting us to the bottom of Your list!!

"You shall have no other Gods before me." Exodus 20:3

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Fear is a horrible emotion. People have fears of many things - heights, water, spiders - just to name a few. My biggest fear is of fires. I had a friend who died in a house fire when I was only 12 years old, and I have never gotten over that. I am very afraid of fires in my house.

Last night this fear "flared" up. My daughter was drying her hair in the bathroom when the plug starting making noises and sparking. I did not know what to do, other than shut the fuse off. When I did that, however, it also shut off the refrigerator. I had a refrigerator full of food and didn't want it to go bad. So I turned the fuse back on, did not use the plug again, checked all my smoke detectors in my house, and basically stayed awake all night and prayed that my house would not catch on fire. I called the electrician the first thing this morning and he replaced the outlet. Things are fine now but it made me really think.

While we may never be able to completely get rid of our fears, no matter how rational or irrational they may be, we truly have nothing to fear when we trust in the Lord. He is always there for us no matter what. And while I was truly afraid last night and didn't sleep much, I did find some peace in praying to God to protect my daughter and myself through the night. Every time I would roll over and wake up, I would pray to God to protect us and then I was able to go back to sleep. It may have been a long night, but it certainly would have been a lot longer night had I not had His peace and comfort.

Lord, thank you for the peace that you give us through all situations. Thank you for the peace that passes all understanding.

The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Monday, June 2, 2008


Sometimes you just don't know, or appreciate, how much God has blessed you with. It And sometimes you feel so all alone in the world. It always seem that there is someone else who has a nicer house, nicer car, nicer clothes, etc. It is so easy to feel sorry for yourself and not appreciate what you have.

God has truly blessed me in so many, many, many ways. Lately I have not acted like I realize that or for that I ask His forgiveness. He has blessed me with a home that I have truly come to love, a daughter who is the most precious thing to me, friends who are like family. He has blessed me with fortunes beyond believe - not monetary but just the everyday things - there is truly nothing in life that I need or want. I pray for His forgiveness in not being more appreciative, for being envious of others, for wanting more or thinking I need more when I know in my heart that He will provide for all my needs. Even though I feel so all alone sometimes, I have come to realize that I am never alone. It has taken me a while to snap out of this funk and to listen to what He has to say, but I am grateful that He is still there and will always be there!

God has spoken to me in so many ways lately. One of the many ways is through people that I don't even know personally, that I have come into contact with through this devotional site. I thank God for those that He has brought into my life and I thank them enough for caring to let me know.

I praise you, God, for all your wondrous blessings in my life! I thank you for your forgiveness for my sins. I pray that You will help me to realize that although I don't have all the riches in the world that I have all I need in You! Praise You, God! Thank you for letting me know that I am never alone because I belong to you!

For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:7,8